On 28/07/2020 19:11, Camiel Vanderhoeven via cctalk wrote:
>> On Jul 28, 2020, at 7:47 PM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk 
>> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
>> The question that will be answered when someone gets the VSI CLP PAKs is 
>> will those PAKS work on an older version of OpenVMS?  The Hobbyist PAKs 
>> produced by Compaq and HP have always worked on current and older versions.  
>> Is there something in the License Manager code that could limit it? The 
>> Hobbyist PAKS I have been getting for years all list DEC as the Producer 
>> even through the Compaq and HP years.  I suppose VSI could have engineered 
>> OpenVMS and/or the PAKS with VSI as the Producer which would probably limit 
>> them to working on VSI versions of OpenVMS.
> No need to wait for that; I can answer that question right away; VSI's been 
> selling licenses for a while now. Yes, they have a different PRODUCER, so 
> they will not work with older (non-VSI) versions.
Will the license also include all the same layered products as before,
or just some subset of these?



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