Well, I pulled the E2 op-amp and replaced it with a NOS one of the same
model. Put the supply together and now I am getting -17 volts on pins E2
to ground (E10).
I'm thinking of just replacing the power transistor Q12 with a 7912 -12v
regulator that I have here and bypassing the whole op amp/transistor
mess. That should give me a solid -12v on the E2 line and provide power
for the -5 volt divider circuit.
On 4/22/2020 11:52 AM, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
On 04/21/2020 10:09 PM, Brent Hilpert via cctalk wrote:
On 2020-Apr-21, at 5:27 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:
Meantime reading the manual I found an interesting test: If you short
emitter to base on Q4 (easiest way is to jumper diode D10) the
voltage on the -12v supply goes to .4 volts. They're saying it's E2,
Is there a way I can test the op-amp in circuit? Maybe it's dead.
Well, if the circuit **IS** regulating, then the voltage on the two
inputs will be identical.
But, since it might not be regulating, then these voltages would not be
But, if you can see that the + input is more positive than the - input,
yet the output
is pegged negative, for instance, then you know either the op-amp is
bad, or another circuit is overloading
the output and forcing it that way.