
On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 04:32:00PM -0400, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote:
> Try this instead:
>     $ em -boot 10005
>     [Prime Emulator ver 5350ae7 Feb 17 2020]
>     [Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Prirun LLC]
>     Booting from file mt0
>     [BOOT Rev. 23.4  Copyright (c) 1993, Computervision Corp.]
>     RUN FILE
>     ****  MAKE  <Rev. 22.1.4>  ****    Copyright (c) 1991, Prime Computer, 
> Inc.
>     Enter command line options: -disk -part -dt -ac -badlev -baud
> Note that I've changed the em command line, and the MAKE options.

That might have worked.  There were some prompt differences in the next
section compared to the install guide:

****  MAKE  <Rev. 22.1.4>  ****    Copyright (c) 1991, Prime Computer, Inc.
Enter command line options: -disk -part -dt -ac -badlev -baud
Physical device? 2060
Partition name? cmddev
Disk type must be one of the following:

                            SMD         80MB or 300MB removable
                            CMD         Cartridge module device
                            68MB         68 megabyte fixed media
                            158MB       158 megabyte fixed media
                            160MB       160 megabyte fixed media
                            600MB       600 megabyte fixed media
                            MODEL_4475  300 megabyte fixed media
                            MODEL_4714   84 megabyte fixed media
                            MODEL_4711   60 megabyte fixed media
                            MODEL_4715  120 megabyte fixed media
                            MODEL_4735  496 megabyte fixed media
                            MODEL_4719  258 megabyte fixed media
                            MODEL_4845  770 megabyte fixed media
                            MODEL_4721  328 megabyte fixed media
                            MODEL_4860  817 megabyte fixed media
                            MODEL_4729  673 megabyte fixed media
                            MODEL_4730  213 megabyte fixed media
Disk type? 160mb
Level of bad spot checking? (default =      4) 0
Baud rate? 9600
Which file sectoring scheme would you like?
Type "0" (Reverse Sector)
 or "1" (Forward Sector)
> 0
Making     8 head partition CMDDEV                          
Tracks:                821
Sectors per track:       9
Partition is using Reverse Sectoring
Partition is in -All_Controller Mode
Partition size in decimal records:      58910

Unable to get badspots from device: 002060
Continuing with make. (MAKE)

Partition CMDDEV     created successfully.

After the above I have a 506K disk image file.  Are any changes needed to
the make options in the following section to create the paging space?  Your
online guide has:

    -disk -split -part -dt -new -ac -badlev -nin -nfl -sec


Bruceville, TX

What's the definition of a legacy system? One that works!
Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum.

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