> something appeared to get stuck in a loop, displaying:

 >     Press Enter to continue, h to halt...

 > over and over again.  I eventually resorted to killing the emulator.
 > It took a kill -9 to get it to end.  In case it gives any clues,
 > after killing it the error.log contained:

I've seen this behavior a few times, but didn't get it tracked down.

If the disk container file is non-zero size, the make may have worked.
Otherwise, check the top of console.log, before the spin starts, and see
if there's anything diagnostic there.

 >     -nport is zero, PNC not started
 >     emulator: device '7 failed initialization - device removed
 >     -tport is zero, AMLC devices not started
 >     emulator: device '53 failed initialization - device removed
 >     emulator: device '54 failed initialization - device removed

This is all normal.  Once you get a system built, you may want to turn
on serial terminal ports (i.e. telnet sessions) by using the -tport


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