On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 03:22:31PM -0400, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote:
> Of particular use might be this writeup on installing PRIMOS Revs 22 or
> 23 on the emulator.  It's set up for the old demo version of the
> emulator, so needs a fair amount of updating, but may help get you
> started.  I'll work on it soonish.
> https://sysovl.info/reference_prime_drb_installing_primos.html

I got as far as MAKE options prompt.  After entering:

    -disk -part -dt -new -ac -badlev -baud -nin -dbs -nfl -sec

something appeared to get stuck in a loop, displaying:

    Press Enter to continue, h to halt...

over and over again.  I eventually resorted to killing the emulator.  It
took a kill -9 to get it to end.  In case it gives any clues, after killing
it the error.log contained:

    -nport is zero, PNC not started
    emulator: device '7 failed initialization - device removed
    -tport is zero, AMLC devices not started
    emulator: device '53 failed initialization - device removed
    emulator: device '54 failed initialization - device removed

I did use the file names mentioned as being needed by newer versions of the
emulator, disk26u0.160m and mt0.


Bruceville, TX

What's the definition of a legacy system? One that works!
Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum.

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