On 12/15/19 8:40 AM, Guy N. via cctalk wrote:
> Is it classic enough to ask about on this list?
> A friend of mine finds himself in the awkward position of being asked to
> take on some RPG programming, but knows nothing about it.
> Can anyone here suggest some good resources for a crash course in RPG?
> Yes, any web search engine will throw up a lot of hits, but I'm hoping
> someone here can help select the most useful ones.

For me at least, the question is "which RPG?".  1401 or S/360 RPG is a
fair bit different from RPG IV, which, I believe still enjoys some use.

That it persists this long has always mystified me.  RPG clearly was for
people familiar with unit-record data processing (sorters, collators,
accounting machines, etc.)   That there are practically *no* people
alive who are familiar the EAM school of data processing, defies logic
for any popularity of RPG.  i.e., Go figure.

To the people of the microcomputer age, "RPG" appears to refer only to
"role playing games".


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