On 12/15/19 11:40 AM, Guy N. via cctalk wrote:
> Is it classic enough to ask about on this list?

Can't say about the list, but rather than classic the usual term
for these systems is legacy.
> A friend of mine finds himself in the awkward position of being asked to
> take on some RPG programming, but knows nothing about it.

Like COBOL and Fortan most people  think these languages have
completely gone away.  Sadly, the only thing that is going away
is the body of experience writing and maintaining them.

> Can anyone here suggest some good resources for a crash course in RPG?
> Yes, any web search engine will throw up a lot of hits, but I'm hoping
> someone here can help select the most useful ones.

I still have a number of RPG books on the bookshelf behind me
right now.  Haven't worked with it in a long time but always
liked it when I had the opportunity.

Just out of curiosity, is this on iSeries?


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