On Wed, Nov 27, 2019 at 2:01 PM Paul Koning <paulkon...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Another problem with bilevel scans is that, on some machines at least, they 
> can be very noisy.  That's what I saw on the copier/scanner at the office.  
> For good scans I use gray scale scanning, with post-processing if desired to 
> convert to clean bilevel data, without all the noise.  Not only does it make 
> looking at the material more pleasant, but it also makes the files much 
> smaller -- noise doesn't compress well.

That's a good point.  With my Fujitsu's TWAIN driver, I've got a
choice of 2 or 3 scan algorithms, plus some sliders to tweak, and I
get good b/w scans.  With fewer options, a grey scan + post-processing
(another vote for IrfanView's batch mode) is the way to go.

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