ons 2019-10-30 klockan 13:17 -0400 skrev Paul Koning via cctalk: > > > In some countries, at least in the early 1980s (Sweden?) the law said > that private organizations could run communication wires on a floor > of a building, but to wire from one floor to another was the monopoly > of the government PTT. So DEC Ethernet bridges had PTT approval > stickers on them from those countries, indicating those PTTs would be > willing to build you a bridged Ethernet from floor 1 to floor 2. >
I remember stickers on modems and telephones (ie not televerket provided equipment) which said that this equipment is certified to be directly connected to televerket's telephone lines. But computer network equipment owned by the organization and used on the organization's premises ?? That i don't remember. PS Televerket : Sweden's state owned telephone monopoly, today known by the public as Telia company. Ellemtel the development organization was co-owned by Ericsson/LME/Three-bars and Televerket. DS PPS LME still exist in name basically as a holding company for Ericsson. DSS