On 10/29/19 5:50 PM, Jecel Assumpcao Jr. via cctalk wrote:
The ARPAnet was a WAN (wide area network) and not an Internet, but it
was one of the three networks involved in that first test on November
22, 1977 (after a two network test the previous year). The option to use
TCP/IP in addition to the native NCP became popular on the ARPAnet to
the point that NCP was turned off in 1983. It was hardly the only
network to get assimilated into the Internet, but it was the one with
the most impact. That makes the 50th anniversary of the first ARPAnet
packet an important milestone in Internet pre-history.
On Tue, 29 Oct 2019, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
Doesn't AUTODIN precede ARPAnet by a few years?
How did Licklider's "Intergalactic Network" fit in?
And, was that a factor in Gary Kildall's choosing the name "Intergalactic
Digital Research"?
Or, was everything beyond what was current called "intergalactic"?