> On Oct 30, 2019, at 4:10 PM, Charles Anthony <charles.unix....@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 4:01 PM Zane Healy <heal...@avanthar.com 
> <mailto:heal...@avanthar.com>> wrote:
> I rebuilt the system recently, and now the error seems intermittent.  I will 
> say, that backing up my directory of files, and restoring it to the new 
> system was a lot easier than fighting with the tape drives we had on the 
> DPS-8 Mainframes I worked with nearly 30 years ago (we ran GCOS-8).
> I don't recognize that error. I will check on it.

Thanks, that’s a frustrating one, I originally thought it was due to having 
waited until the disks filled up to start trying to run the crank.  Let me know 
if any further info might help.

> I’m getting the following message on the console.  This wasn’t initially a 
> problem, but now is.
> 1452.8  Utility.SysDaemon.z:  monitor_quota: Storage in 
> >system_control_1>syserr_log is 26212% full.
> The crank does the daily and weekly accounting; the monthly accounting needs 
> to be done by hand. (It includes purging the log files). Instructions can be 
> found at: 
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cZsdr67LtE8YeWACdYWum8HIPMcHWdmUffxvK7g-xbs/edit?usp=sharing
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cZsdr67LtE8YeWACdYWum8HIPMcHWdmUffxvK7g-xbs/edit?usp=sharing>
Looks like i had a corrupt quota system, that doc did the trick!

> There is a dps8m/Multics mailing list at 
> https://sourceforge.net/p/dps8m/mailman/ 
> <https://sourceforge.net/p/dps8m/mailman/>
I just signed up for users and general.   That seems like a better place to ask 
the next question, which is a programming on Multics question.  Though it will 
be a while before I’m ready.  Especially since I appear to have accidentally 
deleted the source code I was working on from my original system, prior to 
backing it up.  Mainframes really should have nightly backups. :-)  


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