On 08/22/2019 12:47 PM, Tom Uban via cctalk wrote:
On 8/22/19 12:16 PM, Eric Smith via cctalk wrote:
On another mailing list, someone asked if there was any list specifically
about bit-slice design and microcoding. I don't know of one, so I've
created a new mailing list specifically for those topics:
The intent is for the list to cover technical discussion of bit-slice
hardware design and/or microcoding. In other words, discussion of
microcoding that doesn't use bit-slice hardware is fine.
On a possible related note, I am looking for information on converting
CISC instructions to VLIW RISC.
Wow, I think that ends up looking like a compiler, or at
least the optimizing back end part of a compiler. I worked
a bit with a Trace Multiflow, and their optimizing back end
was VERY slow, which I assume means it was a complex task to
reorder all the atomic operations and pack into the long
instruction words for best throughput.
I think it might end up looking a bit like the optimizers
that were used on drum memory computers back in the dark ages.