On 21/08/2019 15:46, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:

I have mixed reactions to it. I use it some, often to see if something is
online at all. (If I buy a manual, I usually check, to see if I need to
scan it, and get it to Al. Have a backlog at the moment, sigh.)

The problem is that there are 'false negatives'; i.e. entries where
they say 'none known online', but which are available.

It is (AFAIK) a one-person effort (although it's now on its second person after the originator dropped out).

There's always been a link to create a "bug report" for missing manuals (or incorrect ones I guess). However that points at codeplex, which MS have made read-only, so I don't know what the correct mechanism might be to get things fixed. I guess the owner needs to move the code somewhere else ...



Antonio Carlini

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