On 5/14/19 12:16 PM, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:
No, not really. The OP was trying to get wifi working on Win98. That's not the same thing.

The letter of what the OP wanted was WiFi. I took the spirit of what the OP wanted was network.

You jumped to a conclusion.

No I did not.

I responded to comment where someone else said "you may want to consider … using a cheap wifi-equipped micro as a network bridge".

I stated "IMHO the OPZ would be functioning as what I think are commonly called 'gaming adapters'. It functions as the wireless client to connect the wired Ethernet client." The key points being:

 - "IMHO" meaning in my humble opinion
 - "functioning as" meaning doing the same / similar thing as
 - "what I /think/" as in what I believe but could be wrong about
 - "commonly called" as in not always
- "it functions as a wireless client to connect the wired Ethernet client." as in it's a way to connect a wired only device to a wireless network.

Then, you declared, rudely,  the OP that they should buy something,

How does "OPZ would be functioning as" translate to the OP should buy something?

by repeatedly, derisively, using a name that might be meaningful to millennial gamers,

Many of the people in my community are decidedly outside of the millennial gamers group and know what a gaming adapter is.

I have no idea what age range people on this mailing list are—I honestly don't care—but I strongly suspect that more people now know what a gaming adapter is than did so before the start of this thread.

but is _not_ to a bunch of old-timer high-level techies.

Please don't conflate age with level of techies.

I've worked with all four combinations of the binary young / old vs techie / non-techie.

Also, your idea meant going out and spending money on something new,

No, it did not.

when this is a community of people who you could reasonably expect to favour the approach of doing something difficult but functional with existing tech that they already own.

That's one of the reasons that I enjoy this community. I re-use things for different purposes all the time. I enjoy seeing how others solve their problems.

You told someone who is trying to do something on a 20-25 year old OS in order that they can connect to a 40 year old OS, that they should be buying a peripheral for a games console.

No I did not.

[1] You did not "suggest". You hectored, rudely.

I disagree.

I was not intend to be rude.  I apologize to anyone that thought I was rude.

[2] You did not _explain_ that. You just repeated some buzzword phrase nobody else here knows.

I disagree.

My original comment stated "It functions as the wireless client to connect the wired Ethernet client."

[3] You didn't explain that, either.

See above.

You mean if you addressed the OP and the rest of us as competent adults instead of poking fun?

I continue to believe that I have addressed everyone in this thread as competent adults.

I did not intentionally try to poke fun at anyone.

Believe me, when I say that I'm much more of an ass hole if I want to be and try to poke at someone.

Shock horror, yeah, that might have worked better.


What does American have to do with this?

Are you implying that American ~> U.S. English dialect is different than other English dialects around the world and that those differences were part of a breakdown in communications?

Yeah you were.

No, I was not.  See the bullet points above.

They are, until someone comes along and starts implying they are stupid, which is what you did.

How did I imply that anyone is stupid?

I apologize if I did so.  That was certainly not my intent.

Good. Have you worked out _why_ people were upset with you?


Have you worked out what you did and how not to do it again?


The only thing that I wish I had done differently was not used the phrase "gaming adapter". I see no problems with anything else that I've done.

Have you decided to change?

Not yet.

I'm still open to feedback & critique.

Look, *I* am someone who has, justly, been told off for being rude and dismissive here. I very much fear that I have caused people to quit the list, and I bitterly regret that.

I think some of your comments have been curt. But I don't consider "curt" to be "rude".

But I have tried hard to *learn* from that, and I do not want to do it again.

Good for you.

Whereas you seem to feel that you were in the right all along and we've overreacted.

I'm not saying I am in the right. I am saying that I don't think I'm in the wrong.

To me, there is a relatively neutral state in the middle, which is where I think I am.

I think you should reconsider and try to use this as a learning experience.

I try to learn from things that I experience daily. I think most people do too.

There is a reason that I'm trying to defuse what I am currently chalking up to miscommunication based on a number of misunderstandings on multiple people's part. I'm trying to turn this into a constructive conversation to learn from and avoid this type of issue in the future.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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