> On Feb 23, 2019, at 3:01 AM, Grant Taylor via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> On 2/22/19 6:15 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
>> SNAP as a way of encoding bridged Ethernet II frames applies only to 
>> non-Ethernet LANs, all of which have larger MTU.
> Nope.  I'm quite sure that NetBIOS used SNAP on Ethernet.
> I'm betting that 3174's Ethernet interfaces also used DLC / LLC2 via SNAP.
> IPX could run over SNAP on Ethernet if you wanted to.

Yes, but that's not what I was trying to say, apparently not very clearly.

There is a translation of Ethernet 2 frames into SNAP (by using an OUI of 
00-00-00 or 00-00-F8 followed by the Ethentype).  Those particular SNAP values 
are meant to be used only on LANs different from Ethernet, and bridges 
connecting those to Ethernet would look for those SNAP values and convert to 
the corresponding Ethernet 2 format.

>> SNAP covers more than encoding bridged Ethernet II.  It was intended as a 
>> way to carry protocols in 802 format for which you couldn't get a SSAP/DSAP 
>> code point (such as private protocols).  DEC did this in various places, 
>> it's perfectly straightforward.
> *nod*
>> Perhaps some implementations make it hard to support both simultaneously, 
>> but there is no technical reason to make such a mistake.
> I feel like putting TCP/IP in SNAP on Ethernet is a mistake in that most OSs 
> will not know how to work with TCP in a SNAP frame as they will be expecting 
> Ethernet II frames.
> I don't know that there's a technical reason per say.  I do think that there 
> is a market reason.

A specific case of the general point above: on Ethernet you'd use 08-00 and 
08-06; on non-Ethernet you'd apply RFC 1042 which gives the SNAP equivalents 
using the 00-00-00 prefix.

>> The pretense that broadcast is different from multicast is just a confusion. 
>>  The description says that it is used for traffic that every station wants 
>> to get.  If you take that literally, no protocol should use broadcast, 
>> because there isn't any protocol that every station on every LAN wants to 
>> see.  For example, ARP should have used multicast for the same reason DECnet 
>> does: it is traffic that is interesting to stations which speak that 
>> protocol, and only to those stations.
> Flip things on their head.  I think it's that the sender wants every 
> receiving station to see.

Yes, but no sender and no protocol has a valid expectation that this is the 
right thing.

>> I think that's right.  For 802.5, that is.
>> In FDDI the frames are "stripped" by the sending station, which allows 
>> things like network monitors in promiscuous mode to work just like on 
>> Ethernet
> Intriguing.
>> The claim of collapse under load -- meaning throughput goes down beyond a 
>> certain load level -- is valid for ALOHA and similar networks, but not on 
>> Ethernet because it uses carrier sense and collision detect. Under overload 
>> it runs at close to full utilization.
> Okay.  So you weren't saying that Token Ring had problems as much as you were 
> saying that Ethernet can work at close to capacity.
> I remember seeing references to Ethernet would start to have problems with 
> increasing backouts as the number of stations wanting to transmit at the same 
> time would grow.
> Though that may be that the average throughput of a given station may go down 
> while the network segment itself is closer to saturation.

That's necessarily true for any sharing system.  If you're not sharing you can 
get up to 100%, give or take how well the scheduling works.  Two equal clients 
each get 50%, and so on.  The merit of a sharing system is in how well it 
approaches 100% total throughput, and how well it delivers the desired split of 
service among the competing clients.  Ethernet and 802.5 and FDDI all do it 
differently, and all do it pretty well.

IBM once put out a marketing document full of FUD about Ethernet, and DEC, 
Intel, and 3Com (I think) put out a joint rebuttal going point by point (I 
participated in that effort).  I have it in stored away somewhere; should look 
for it next time I'm in the right spot.


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