Oops, this was meant to go to the list _and_ William. Sorry for duplicate Will.
At 09:10 AM 18/02/2019 -0500, Will wrote: >> I see 4 Boxes of punch cards. All blank? >> >> https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN-btB2yizsHBmabHb7xtHr_zUWZlS6QENHMHbb-beU6Jf4oNqEABuPoVWamYFUtg/photo/AF1QipP1COpYtcSYKVmiBAZskOJL5yujK8d2561Fepk?key=MmhXdXRtVkhoZkNGODBleGFNeGYza2xvV1BkbjV3 >> >> Too bad he wants $25 a box. > >25 dollars for a full box of blank cards is actually a really good >price - but those cards are probably too far gone. Jam city. Maybe, maybe not. And there they are, as opposed to being mythical, somewhere else. Anyway, if someone was to go to Kemners and offer $10 a box for all 4, arguing that "they are pretty far gone, jam city, dusty, in a mess, maybe some blocks are OK, etc." Then I'd pay for them and pack & postage to my US reshipper in CA. At this address: Guy Dunphy 3503 Jack Northrop Ave Ste J8637 Hawthorne, CA 90250 USA And then be facing the postage to Australia too. Hence my low offer. Reason: As part of the Australian Computer Museum Society equipment dispersal, I have an IBM 028 and three IBM 026 card punches to restore. Eventually. Plus that Documation TM200 card reader. Which I'm still seeking a manual for btw. Guy