Of the items in https://photos.app.goo.gl/4Q8Jx7n36fmVczLN8
This photo depicts a Raytheon VT302, I did not see the keyboard in the photo, hoping it is not lost: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN-btB2yizsHBmabHb7xtHr_zUWZlS6QENHMHbb-beU6Jf4oNqEABuPoVWamYFUtg/photo/AF1QipOzaTLOK_RE9-qpb9i-3_qcoRrQXL7idfoAHsk?key=MmhXdXRtVkhoZkNGODBleGFNeGYza2xvV1BkbjV3 ...but I can say this is apparently a very rare or historic computer, not many known to exist other than this one (unless the one I once owned found its way to this surplus shop, I know don't remember who bought it from me, but it was in this same general geographic location and may have found its way here eventually. So, someone might want to grab it. Here are some photos I took of mine. Yes I got rid of mine, not interested in this class of computer and space is limited. I only know it's "historic" because I have been contacted a few times about this machine, to my surprise, people writing about them or industry research https://vintagecomputer.net/raytheon/VT302/ Bill On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 1:52 PM Anders Nelson via cctalk < cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I heard Kemners Surplus in Pottstown, PA was going away so I decided to pay > them a visit. I'm taking pictures of as much vintage computing gear as I > can as we speak. I'll be here until they close today at 5pm EST, so if you > see something you like feel free to give them a call and I'll help them > navigate. > > Photos updated as I walk through, here: > > https://photos.app.goo.gl/4Q8Jx7n36fmVczLN8 > > If you see something you like it'd be great if you could check if I'm > interested first until I'm finished today. ;] > > Hope this helps someone, they shut down soon! >