At 11:48 AM 2/11/2019, Tapley, Mark wrote:
> On Feb 11, 2019, at 12:24 PM, Jack Harper via
cctalk <> wrote:
> At 10:16 AM 2/11/2019, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
>> ...Need to bolt the rear to the floor, or
something SOLID, and extend the "footprint" of
the front to include where the center of
gravity is when fully extended. And a bit
more, so that setting a tool or elbow on it doesn't topple it.
> I bolted the 19" rack with the two HP7970
drives down to a 3/4" thick plywood base about
36" square or so and then anchored that to the
concrete floor - before I installed the drives.
> See
for yet another exciting photo :)
> Best to the List -
> Jack in the Rocky Mountains.
Jack, this looks like a pretty good idea in the
short term. But, every piece of concrete I have
ever been associated with has been off-gassing
water at a slow rate. I have stored wood
face-down on concrete enough times that I should
know better, and it has always been ruined -
rotted - by constant exposure to that water
off-gassing. The wood traps the water (which
would normally have no problem evaporating,
because it is a very slow rate) which then rots
the wood. Now whenever I store wood flat, I put
bricks or something between it and the concrete so there is an air-gap.
Unless there is a pretty impermeable water
barrier between the plywood and the concrete, I
would say that solution is not trustable for
more than about 6 months of service at the
outside. Even if there is, I would check pretty
often around the bolt holes, because I think the
bolts penetrated the barrier and the wood around the bolts will be rotten soon.
Comments and corrections most welcome from
anyone who has more experience, of course; YMMV and I Am Not a CarpenterÂ…
- Mark
Well, amazing indeed Mark -
I can see the headline now: "Local Computer Nerd
Squished and Killed Instantly by Collapsing Rack
of Ancient Electronics of Unknown Purpose. Body
Mangled Horribly beyond Recognition. Nerd asked
to be Buried with Ashes of Cat and Thumb Drive of
what appears to be Software from the 1970's".
I did not know that about concrete and wood.
I will definitely keep an eye on the thing.
The Good News is that it is extremely dry with
very low humidity here at 8,000-feet (2,300 meters) elevation.
Best to the List -
Jack in the Rocky Mountains.
Jack Harper, President
Secure Outcomes Inc
2942 Evergreen Parkway, Suite 300
Evergreen, Colorado 80439 USA
303.670.3750 (fax) for Product Info.