At 11:39 AM 2/7/2019, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
On 2/7/19 9:16 AM, Jack Harper via cctalk wrote:

> I mounted the two HP7970 Drives in a non-HP rack - just a standard
> six-foot 19" rack that I found a few years ago.
> I installed two heavy aluminum rails (1/8" thick and perhaps 2" on the
> two sides - angle stock) for each Drive to support the 130-pound weight
> of each.

That makes a lot of sense and doesn't look too difficult to fab up from
stock.  Or if you're not handy with metalworking, these would do the
same job:

That way, the right-side bolts serve to keep the thing in the rack.

The Fujitsu drive that I use weighs more than the HP and doesn't even
have "ears" to mount to the rack rails--it uses a sliding arrangement
like many large disk drives.  Fasten one part of the slides to the rack
and the other to the drive and just slide the drive in--there are bolts
to secure the slide position once the drive is in place.


Hello Chuck -

I like the idea of those sliding rails - and they appear by the link to be good to 200-pounds.

However, with the HP7970 Drives, I would worry about the moment pressure exerted on the rack with the unit slid all the way out.

In addition, the HP7970 front is hinged and opens completely to expose all of the electronics, drive motors etc.

The 19" rack that I have is actually fairly flimsy and I worried about the thing flexing with the stop/start (15ms stop) of the two Tape Drives.

Last thing I want is for the tape rack to start wandering about the room with tape action like some of the early disk drives (I remember reading that the original "large" UNIVAC Fastrand drum units laying horizontal would turn circles by gyroscopic action as the Earth rotated :)

However, I do not expect that to be a problem as I think/hope that the two drives mounted in the rack will stiffen it sufficiently - we shall see.

I plan to put sheet metal on the back of the rack ground to top to protect from dust and with a fan to create positive pressure - sort of a monocoque structure like old airplanes, which are quite strong.

Best to the List -

Jack in the Rocky Mountains

Jack Harper, President
Secure Outcomes Inc
2942 Evergreen Parkway, Suite 300
Evergreen, Colorado 80439 USA

303.670.3750 (fax) for Product Info.

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