> On Jan 4, 2019, at 6:51 AM, Paul Koning <paulkon...@comcast.net> wrote: > > Plan B: set a breakpoint at "ERL" (040672 in your map) which is the entry > point to the error logging code. That's where the display register is > incremented as part of logging an error. On entry, R0 is the EMT code (a > LOG$xx code, because these are EMTs in kernel mode). Many of those codes are > fixed and defined in KERNEL.MAC which is in the kit. The ones that are > configuration-dependent are in the RSTS.MAP listing, for example LOG$KB. The > log code would tell us which device or component is unhappy.
Okay: BE125652 _040672;B _P 0B:040672 _$0;$7L $0 /000000 000400 001764 000000 000000 000000 001730 040672 _$S/004340 _777400;777412L 177400 /004713 000000 000344 000000 014000 001260