> On Jan 3, 2019, at 10:08 PM, Fritz Mueller via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
> wrote:
>> On Jan 3, 2019, at 5:17 PM, Paul Koning <paulkon...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> So in this example, 55230 is the error logging entry point for the RK11
>> driver. ... If you have a breakpoint at this location, you'll be able to
>> capture the controller CSR contents which -- I hope -- will explain why the
>> system is not happy.
>> The way to set the breakpoint is simply to enter control/P for ODT, then
>> 55230;B to set the breakpoint, then P to proceed.
> Thanks, Paul! Tried but no luck:
> ...
> (...system starts looping error behavior; type ^P...)
> BE125652
> _55230/004537
> _55230;B
> _P
> (...system resumes looping error behavior without hitting breakpoint; sadness)
> Any additional or different recommended breakpoints to try? Or did I miss
> setting this up (I’m new to ODT.)
> thanks much,
> --FritzM.
The ODT command syntax is correct. I confirmed by setting a breakpoint at
DSQ$DK, the "queue a disk request" driver entry point, and that breaks
correctly -- just to make sure my memory hasn't faded.
Plan B: set a breakpoint at "ERL" (040672 in your map) which is the entry point
to the error logging code. That's where the display register is incremented as
part of logging an error. On entry, R0 is the EMT code (a LOG$xx code, because
these are EMTs in kernel mode). Many of those codes are fixed and defined in
KERNEL.MAC which is in the kit. The ones that are configuration-dependent are
in the RSTS.MAP listing, for example LOG$KB. The log code would tell us which
device or component is unhappy.