On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 2:07 PM, Robert Feldman via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> If you want a small, portable, battery-powered terminal, get an HPLX palmtop
> (95, 100 or 200). Runs for weeks or months on two AA batteries. The HPLX
> palmtops  have a VT100 emulation. I have not had a need to use it, but Tony
> has and perhaps can comment on its fidelity to the real thing.

I've never really used the VT100 emulation, so I can't comment on how good
it is. I do recommend these machines as a dumb terminal substitute and for
kermit/xmodem 'sneakernet' [1] transfers. In other words to upload a file from
one machine, go somewhere and download it to another machine.

Personally I prefer the 95LX as the 40 column display is easier to read. But the
100LX has a better serial port with hardware handshaking and an 80 column
display which may be better for the VT100 emulation.

[1] This term doesn't really 'work' here but 'trainernet' doesn't
sound right either.


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