but the materials of the belts deteriorate that hold them together I have been told by tty collectors... verify?
Ed# In a message dated 9/8/2018 3:33:53 PM US Mountain Standard Time, cctalk@classiccmp.org writes: On 09/08/2018 12:57 PM, Ed Sharpe via cctalk wrote: > alas most of the bands have desnigrated I understand... any working ones ? ed# Dunno--I suppose if someone were dedicated enough, it wouldn't be horribly difficult to fabricate a band, but I suspect that deep in some dusty warehouse there are a ton of spares. WU used these printers quite a bit. Probably easier to find than many old type trains. The benefit, of course is that it printed fully-formed characters at 150 lpm--i.e. a true line printer, not a character printer masquerading as one. I still have some technical documents that I did back in the day printed with one of these. I do recall that we wore the zeroes out more than the other characters, but then, we printed a lot of dumps on the thing. --Chuck