alas most of the bands have desnigrated I understand... any working ones ?  ed#

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On Saturday, September 8, 2018 Chuck Guzis via cctalk <;> wrote:
On 09/08/2018 11:53 AM, Paul Anderson via cctalk wrote:
> I think the MOD 40 came out in the 70s Was the Dataspeed the video?

Yup. The model 40 band printer was something that could do 150 lpm on
14" tractor feed and could fit on a tabletop. Sold as a
Centronics/Dataproducts interfaced unit by several third-party vendors.
We had one hooked to an MDS 800 to churn out listings. A great unit for
the time.

Always sold with a an acoustic cover, however--the naked bugger was very
loud. I think I still have a set of schematics for it.


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