On Sat, 14 Jul 2018, Ed Sharpe via cctalk wrote:
isn't the  basic  programs  also stored in tokinized  forms!?!?

And the tokens are not the same between different brand implementations, or even between different versions, such as MBASIC 4 and MBASIC 5.
I don't know the token list for it. You MIGHT be able to find that in one of the early manuals for it (1969), possibly as an appendix. newline is 0D,0A Saving a file in UN-tokenized form is done with "CSAVE". (similar to the "SAVE xxx,A in Microsoft BASIC)

If writing a conversion program for it is an unsurmountable obstacle, then all that you need to do is to send me back in time to 1960. That will give me almost a decade to get established and get the money together, so that when the machine is first released, I will get hold of one, and write a program in BASIC to detokenize a stored BASIC file, and save it in untokenized form. I will then put a copy of that BASIC utility program onto the tape that you will end up with. To leave enough space on the tape for the other stuff, I will store that program in tokenized form.

Optionally, I can set up a portfolio for you then, to fund the time machine. NOTE: I have made a similar open offer to John Titor. So do it quickly to be first! Offer is for a ONE-WAY trip. Round-trip is not acceptable.

NOTE: the language BASIC is an acronym for "Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code." ALL CAPS ! The basic programs and utilities that come with the machine that are not written in BASIC are not tokenized.

The language was developed by Thomas E. Kurtz and John G. Kemeny at Dartmouth College in 1963. One of their "basic" oremises was "a number is a number", and that people using the language shouldn't have to understand the difference between integer and floating point.

They abandoned their offspring for decades, and it wasn't until mid 1980s that they ever even looked at the BASIC that was present, even built-in, on most personal computers! They finally noticed how the adult had grown up, and were SHOCKED at "street BASIC", and how people such as billg (MICROS~1) and Gordon Eubanks (CBASIC) had corrupted it. So, they created and marketed "TRUE BASIC" in 1985, which was a structured compiled language, that returned to the true faith.

"I think I'll pass up the opportunity to become a born-again True BASIC believer. I'll enjoy my Microsoft and CBASIC heresies." - Jerry Pournelle

Grumpy Ol' Fred                 ci...@xenosoft.com

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