On 06/26/2018 09:37 AM, dwight wrote:

Things were posted a little out of order. The problem was not in the original 
listing. The pdf of the original was correct. The ascii text one, at 
sourceforge, had a single error in it.

Anyway, there may be other types of errors in the original but they don't stop 
the interpreter or compiler from running.

The original 8080 listing had 3 or 4 such errors. These were mostly related to 
the logical magnitude comparison operations, as I recall.



I should add that I have used the PDP-11 one and it works perfectly.
(At least as far as I can tell, I never did anything beyond the trivial as
I am not a Forth Programmer.  But I was looking into OpenPROM at
one time and that was Forth based.)


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