Things were posted a little out of order. The problem was not in the original 
listing. The pdf of the original was correct. The ascii text one, at 
sourceforge, had a single error in it.

Anyway, there may be other types of errors in the original but they don't stop 
the interpreter or compiler from running.

The original 8080 listing had 3 or 4 such errors. These were mostly related to 
the logical magnitude comparison operations, as I recall.


From: cctalk <> on behalf of Bill Gunshannon via 
cctalk <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 4:25:28 AM
Subject: Re: 6800 fig-FORTH?

On 06/23/2018 07:39 PM, Eric Smith via cctalk wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 1:16 PM, Stephen Pereira via cctech <
>> wrote:
>> Has anyone here ever seen or ever had fig-FORTH for the 6800 working?
> In the mid-1980s I know someone with a WaveMate 6800 system. He had
> fig-Forth running on FLEX.  At the time I was only interested in the Apple
> II, DEC PDP-10, and BSD 4.x on VAX, so I didn't pay much attention to his
> system.
> I had problems similar to what you describe when I was bringing up the PACE
> version of fig-Forth, and tracked down and fixed a serious bug in the
> published listing. AFAICT, I am the only person other than the author who
> ever ran the PACE version. I found it far easier to debug on a simulator
> rather than the real hardware.
> The 6800 version must surely have been far more popular than the PACE
> version, so it seems somewhat unlikely that there would be a huge defect in
> the published listing, but it's not impossible.
> I wrote some 68HC11 assembly professionally in the late 1980s, but the only
> actual 6800 code I've writen was a 6800 version of the Apple I monitor.
> Writing 6800 code after being used to the 68HC11 and 6809 was a huge step
> backward; I kept trying to use newer instructions and addressing modes that
> the 6800 did not have.  I have a non-working Electronic Product Associates
> Micro 68; maybe someday I'll fix it up.

I never had a 6800 in those days, but I had a friend who did.  He had
it running on his.  I think I still have the documentation laying around
here somewhere.


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