On 2018-03-28 20:59, Bob Rosenbloom via cctalk wrote:
> On 3/28/2018 6:00 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
>>>> If you start with a fiche viewer, then a lot of the mechanical
>>>> parts, such as the fiche holder, are well under way.  You need to
>>>> modify the card movement mechanism to be able to automate it, but
>>>> you could put that part off until you confirm that the optical
>>>> portion is satisfactory.
> ...snip
> This thread reminded me of a DYI scanner I had read about. Found it with
> google:
> http://retrocmp.com/projects/scanning-micro-fiches/235-the-homebuild-automatic-micro-fiche-scanner

The last sentence says it all:
"And I'll think twice before I scan another batch of fiches!"

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