You figure if a couple of college kids can build a robot that can solve a Rubik's Cube in 380ms, a bunch of really smart old guys should be able to cobble together a DIY microfiche scanner.

Mentioned it in an IRC channel.

Friends started talking about it.

The open source hughin software is what the people scanning microchip photos to reverse engineer them are using. Looks like it could handle that part.

Friend was saying new Sony mirrorless (Sony has been a huge player in digital mirrorless cameras recently) have 42MP sensors. His approach was image the whole thing at once but I'm not sure the resolution would be good enough.

I was thinking more along the lines of something mirrorless and moving the film around capturing areas, pile the images in a dir for each fische, then stich and save.

                        - Ethan

Proud owner of F-15C 80-0007 - The only one of its kind. - Go Collimated or Go Home.
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: Ethan O'Toole

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