because its not something i think of when asking a question

On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 6:26 AM, Philipp Hachtmann via cctalk <> wrote:

> I have to say that I hate this email thread abuse so much...!
> Is it so difficult to leave the thread about PICTURES (fill in whatever
> topic it was about) intact? It would be so much better to start a new
> thread instead:
> - Does not disturb original discussion.
> - Can be found and identified easily: Do you think that you will find the
> <blah blah emulator intersting blah> easily in a few years if it's
> discussed under the caption "VCF PNW 2018: Picture!"?
> And on the other hand there are those people who seem to be unable to
> create a prober reply to the list and therefore make threads appear
> scattered and broken into many many pieces...
> Sorry for ranting, but I enjoyed the pictures and following discussion so
> much and now encountering that dumb emulator discussion in this place
> annoys me so much...!
> And yes, I know that I sent this message as a reply to another message.
> Kind regards
> Philipp
> On 19.02.2018 15:44, geneb via cctalk wrote:
>> On Sun, 18 Feb 2018, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:
>> What do they have up there for Honeywell?  Any DPS-8’s?  I know they
>>> should have at least a box of GCOS-8 manuals (in hindsight, the only
>>> manuals I regret sending up there).
>> Zane, they've got a DPS-8 maintenance/operator/? panel sitting right out
>> front.  It's fully operational and is connected via some magic hardware to
>> a Raspberry Pi running a Multics emulator. The guy that wrote the emulator
>> gave a talk that should be the first one you watch once Erik has a chance
>> to get the video posted.

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