On 01/05/2018 02:37 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:

> I don't know how long YOU expect to live, but I don't think that I will
> last as long as a lot of my data (which FEW if ANY will want)   (But,
> I've asked my lawyer to place in my will, provisions for my collection
> of "alien" disks to go to Eric Smith and Al Kossow.  As well as
> authorizations for certain people to take whatever they want of my
> personal property)

I suppose that I should at least catalog my "alien" media--there's a lot
of it.  One of these days.  It's hard enough to keep the stuff roughly

At any rate, the latest study I can find on the longevity of optical
media is this 2005 NIST paper:



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