You forgot "Outer Limits". I put that show in the same category.

Wayne Sudol
Riverside PressEnterprise
A DigitalFirst Media Newspaper.

On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 3:53 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk <
> wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Jan 2018, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
>> Funny,   I've been saying since the 1980s that it you have something
>> that's critical to your survival, keep it offline.
>> Until any of my PCs develop the ability to go to my storage cabinet and
>> fetch a DVD and load it into itself, I'm not sorried.
> So, that Exabyte Tape/cartridge Silo might not be such a good idea.
> I always wanted Keith Hensen's "Kubik"? CD changer.  Big "carousel slide
> tray" full of 240?! CDs/DVDs, in a square box, with a drive in each
> corner.  The drives were SCSI, and the load/unload/select control was
> RS232. The big square boxes could be stacked, for a larger collection, and
> there was a trivial mod to make the tray removable, so that the top box
> could be swapped with as many trays as you had shelf space for.
> 'course hard drives caught up, and I now have about a thousand DVDs in
> MP4s on a shirt pocket HDD.  (including ALL of the Doctor Who's that were
> released on DVD, Red Dwarf 1 - XII, Dark Matter, Torchwood, Twilight Zone,
> Prisoner, Marx Brothers, Doc Martin, One Foot In The Grave, etc.) The DVD
> images (V .MP4) take over 5TB.

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