On 23 November 2017 at 21:28, Noel Chiappa via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> This must be a uSloth TCP/IP you are speaking of. There's the one from FTP
> software which was based on the one done at MIT which was freeware. That one
> was definitely DOS-era - it ran on DOS 1 and DOS 2. I think I have the MIT
> version somewhere if you have a use for it.

Well, yes, it is the MS one, because really it needs to talk over a
modern PCI NIC -- or emulation thereof -- to a host hypervisor
pretending to be an SMB server. It needs to talk to the MS networking
client, as that is the single most important use case. DOS is not must
use for accessing the internet today! I don't need finger or ftp or
telnet, I need a client that can authenticate and connect to a Samba
share, and basically nothing else.

>     > But only someone who thinks that Emacs or Vi are usable editors could
>     > think this was an appealing virtualisation solution.
> Epsilon! Even on Windows 95, it was a not-so-humungous 261KB. If Lugaru
> can't cough up a DOS version, I'm pretty sure I still have my DOS Epsilon
> distro disks somewhere. Of course, I would have to get a 5" floppy drive
> working... :-)

Heh. :-)

I had to Google it -- never heard of it before. I am not an Emacs fan,
partly because of its horrendous UI and keystrokes, and I don't code,
least of all in C, so its feature list is not one calculated to appeal
to me, I'm afraid.

Liam Proven • Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
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