That would be awesome, as long as you aren't putting yourself out.  Any 
information I can give this guy helps.  He is a real wizard and has fixed 
machines in my collection that haven't worked in eons.  But he usually needs 
some kind of referene on what he should be seeing to figure out what is wrong.
Many thanks if you can do it.

Sent from my Samsung device

-------- Original message --------
From: Randy Dawson <> 
Date: 2017-10-03  8:01 PM  (GMT-08:00) 
To: 'Pete Lancashire' <>, Brad H 
<>, "General Discussion: On-Topic and 
Off-Topic Posts" <> 
Subject: Re: Tek 4051 semi-repaired 

I will be glad to open mine up, and 'PhotoFact' it for you.

I can take scope shots of the critical signals, voltage rails.  I suppose the 
first, would be if you hit the HOME PAGE key it should clear the screen, I can 
follow that signal path, and take some scope shots...

Even with the screen flooded,if I let it sit and hit space, not HOME PAGE on my 
working 4051, you can still see the characters you type faintly, and the cursor 


From: cctalk <> on behalf of Brad H via cctalk 

Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 7:10 PM

To: 'Pete Lancashire'; 'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'

Subject: RE: Tek 4051 semi-repaired

I’ll have to check that when I get it back – I didn’t really have a look inside 
and wouldn’t have known to look for that.  I’m hoping not.. cosmetically the 
machine is excellent – the interior could almost fool you into thinking you were
 looking into a brand new Mac, with all that stainless.  But that doesn’t mean 
anything in terms of the actual components, of course.


My CRT guy seems to be convinced the computer isn’t doing what it should be, 
based on his read of the schematics.  But he said the only way he could be 
really sure was to have a working unit to compare to.


From: [] On Behalf Of Pete 

Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 10:01 AM

To: Brad H <>; General Discussion: On-Topic 
and Off-Topic Posts <>

Cc: Ian Finder <>

Subject: Re: Tek 4051 semi-repaired


If the CRT floods one can say the CRT is good with one major thing left, 
phosphor burns. In a DVST (Direct View Storage Tube) the most common effect is 
the burn area will not store with the same potential as the rest of the tube, 
or if burned enough will not
 store at all. There are other things that can go wrong but so far you know the 
flood guns are  good, do you see the man CRT gun assemblies filament light up 
(can't remember if can been seen with the shield on) ?


Good Luck, while at Tek I kept thinking of building one but never did.




On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 9:42 AM, Brad H via cctalk < 
<> > wrote:

Also the computer itself *was* semi-working.. with the monitor board 
disconnected, voltages were good and I could blindly type in a simple endless 
loop program and get the ‘BUSY’ light to light up when I ran it.

I don’t have the computer just yet and my tech guy didn’t have time to try 
entering something like that.  So I’ll have to confirm.  He seems to think 
three indicator lights on the right come up on power on now and then go out.  
The power light at the bottom
 appears to be dead.

From: Ian Finder [ <> ]

Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 9:39 AM

To: Brad H < 
<> >; General Discussion: On-Topic 
and Off-Topic Posts < <>

Subject: Re: Tek 4051 semi-repaired

Does it warm up or flood?

"When I got my 4051, on power up there

would be no voltage to the motherboard and nothing came up on the screen.

That has been fixed, however we still do not have any kind of prompt or

anything appearing."

Care to share with the class what you've done so far?

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 9:29 AM, Brad H via cctalk < 
<>  < 
 > > wrote:

Hi there,

My go-to guy for CRT stuff has informed me that he has the CRT on my 4051

working and that the tube is good.  When I got my 4051, on power up there

would be no voltage to the motherboard and nothing came up on the screen.

That has been fixed, however we still do not have any kind of prompt or

anything appearing.

Wondering if anyone has any ideas on where to go from here?   I'm picking up

the machine this week and will do some more testing.. hopefully the board

didn't take any damage while he was working on the CRT.



   Ian Finder

   (206) 395-MIPS <>  
< <> >


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