Thanks, Paul
Only thing DEC is the design, and the board stiffener and extractor
bar. They bought the 6u product and it looks to be standard DEC.
The only thing that is interesting and perhaps are the memory cards.
They have the appearance of not being as custom and oddball as the
rest. They clearly were some sort of custom set.
I'd be interested in photos, or if you can look @ mine any that you see
that are similar from yours.
On 9/25/2017 9:09 PM, Paul Anderson via cctalk wrote:
The K & T boards I have are Kearney and Trecker, and I don't think DEC made
On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 9:52 PM, jim stephens via cctalk <> wrote:
I have a stack of boards I'm trying to figure out. They may be a bunch of
boards made for a user of DEC PDP 11s or 8s as addons to their own lines as
embedded systems, or they may have had some other sales.
KT in the etch, and in one case KT Memories with a stylized logo.
I put the photos on this page if anyone can help.
The fun ones will be the ones with 6800s on board. If I get them, I'll be
interested in the prom contents of course.
Any info, guesses or other would be great. KT isn't something that allows
for much dis-ambiguation on searchs. Korean Telecom bombs out all KT
references, as that was its SEC and trading symbol. (may still be).