The K & T boards I have are Kearney and Trecker, and I don't think DEC made


On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 9:52 PM, jim stephens via cctalk <> wrote:

> I have a stack of boards I'm trying to figure out.  They may be a bunch of
> boards made for a user of DEC PDP 11s or 8s as addons to their own lines as
> embedded systems, or they may have had some other sales.
> KT in the etch, and in one case KT Memories with a stylized logo.
> I put the photos on this page if anyone can help.
> t-corp-clone-vendor.html
> The fun ones will be the ones with 6800s on board.  If I get them, I'll be
> interested in the prom contents of course.
> Any info, guesses or other would be great. KT isn't something that allows
> for much dis-ambiguation on searchs.  Korean Telecom bombs out all KT
> references, as that was its SEC and trading symbol. (may still be).
> thanks
> Jim

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