> On Sep 11, 2017, at 2:23 PM, shadoooo via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> Hello,
> in my experience SMD components doesn't need a presoldering operation at
> all, because pins are already stained or golded, thus very solderable....
> Note: use lower temperatures (<380C, less is better), good quality flux and
> AgPb are required for comfortable operation with low risk of damage.

I would suggest one change: avoid lead-free solder, use real solder (63/37 
solder is best).  It works just fine with modern politically correct parts, and 
it's much easier to use.  I followed this advice from a professional PCB tech a 
couple of years ago when working on a fine pitch home project -- she was 
absolutely right.


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