On 07/18/2017 09:45 PM, ben via cctalk wrote:

Did any one ever use keypunch to tape or 8' floppy?
I got a Pertec key to tape machine surplus in about 1982 or so. it had a keyboard and a field of submini lights that lit up the letters, numbers, etc on a panel. You could write 80 character records onto tape, verify the data by retyping it, or read the tape record by record. I pulled the key-to logic out, and there was a pretty simple interface level to the basic tape data logic. I made a mostly software driven interface to my Z-80 CP/M system so i could have mag tape backup. It had a 7" 9-track 800 BPI NRZI tape drive with single-gap head, so you had to back up and reread each block. I did actually run the thing as intended for a few minutes to make sure the drive was working before digging into it.

I don't know if anybody else got one of these key to tape machines running, but it wasn't that hard. The surplus outfit seemed to have a bunch of them.

I also got a monster from a guy. It was two pieces, one was a massive Honeywell drum printer, which was what I wanted. The other piece was a key to tape machine, although it was more flexible than that. Apparently, State Farm Insurance used it as an off-line printer. You set some switches, mounted a tape, hit a button and it would print the contents of the tape. (I know it was State Farm because the printer had a core memory buffer, and I managed to tease it to print out the last record it had processed. The printer had a format editor in it, so any character could be programmed to come out anywhere on the page. So, it printed out a complete dunning letter to some poor guy. Over the years, I seem to have lost that piece of paper.) But, this set could be used as a key to tape system.


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