Pete - 
Sad about the  McGraw-Hill Electronics
Which issues are  you missing!?
Ed# _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 7/18/2017 9:43:25 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

The  paint job doesn't bother me much. I had a working 26 that I donated to
CHM.  Its things like selling the keyboard then expecting to get more the
$20 for  the remains. My Teletype version of that is a Western Union 2-B in
good  shape missing all it key caps and motor. Both pulled to sell to the
'steam  punk' crowed.
BTW not putting them down at all. I've not met one who would  do something
like that, its the people who think they can make a sale that  do the 
Other examples of things I am collecting, McGraw-Hill  Electronics. Finding
a 2 foot stack of issues I don't have that have been  gutted for their
Atwater Kent that worked trashed for  the cabinet, and a crappy job at that.
Could go on for hours of  examples.

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 1:11 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk  <> wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Jul 2017, Ed  via cctalk wrote:
>> at least they did not glue a bunch  of  gears on it and call it steam
>> punk...
>> I  have  run across  weird glued and punked items on   ebay...   what a
>> bunch
>> of   AH's
> a model 026 punch is already a masterpiece of  steam punk.
> A model 029, on the other hand, appeals to  trekkies.
> I think that a keypunch rationalized as art  needs a clock on it:
>  item3d2861577f:g:kE4AAOSwONBZFFUo
> --
> Grumpy  Ol' Fred        

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