Vintage Computer Federation is pleased to announce an expansion of the
Vintage Computer Festival series to the Pacific Northwest.

The first VCF PNW will be held at Living Computers: Museum + Labs in
Seattle, Washington on February 10-11, 2018.  Seattle is a rich and vibrant
tech hub with beautiful scenery and every variety of rain possible, but it
has been missing the Vintage Computer Festival experience.  With the
cooperation of the LCM+L we are fixing that by providing a weekend full of
interesting exhibits and even more interesting people in what is already a
great destination.

In the next few weeks we will put out more formal calls for exhibitors,
volunteers, and speakers.  If you would like to chat feel free to reach out
to me at

Vintage Computer Federation is a national user group serving collectors,
hobbyists, and anyone interested in the history of computing.  More
information about the Vintage Computer Federation can be found at  Living Computers: Museum + Labs provides a
one-of-a-kind, hands-on experience with computer technology from the 1960s
to the present.  The LCM+L is online at

Michael, on behalf of the Vintage Computer Federation

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