-------- Original message --------
From: allison via cctech <cct...@classiccmp.org> 
Date: 2017-06-26  14:50  (GMT-08:00) 
To: cct...@classiccmp.org 
Subject: Re: TV Typewriter project nearing completion 

On 06/26/2017 11:29 AM, Brad H via cctech wrote:
> Thanks Nick!
> I had thought about selling PCBs or creating a kit, but I lack the skill to 
> draft it in PCB CAD software.  The boards I made come from scans of the plans 
> (on swtpc.com), and I really had to tweak those to get them to work.  And 
> even then, while I was able to correct for size I missed de-skewing them, so 
> the molex connectors for the bus between boards do not line up perfectly, 
> making connecting boards a bit of a trick.  I hadn't realized just how badly 
> scanning could distort artwork until I got my hands on an original copy of 
> the Radio Electronics construction guide for the Mark-8.  Comparing the 
> artwork in it to the scanned copies online showed just how bad the scanner 
> mangled things.  
> Unfortunately I missed a perfect opportunity to acquire an original 
> construction guide when an actual vintage TVT came up on ebay.  The auction 
> was for the TVT and the seller threw in the guide he'd bought.  I lost that 
> auction to Grant Stockly.  As it turns out, he plans to diassemble that TVT, 
> scan the boards and make kits available.  I was disappointed that he was 
> going to dismantle an original piece (he does intend to reassemble it), but 
> am glad some quality kits will come as a result.  We had been negotiating to 
> send my original Mark-8 boards for a scan, since they are unbuilt, but I have 
> been leery about shipping them off to the US ever since they were almost lost 
> in transit to me.
> If folks are interested I could make my 'corrected' (photoshopped) artwork 
> available somewhere.  Maybe someone could fix it further.  I may even fix it. 
>  Last week I acquired some actual vintage 1973 PCB stock, and now have an 
> opportunity to go the last mile on authenticity and actually rebuild the TVT 
> with correct PCBs.  That'd make it almost indistinguishable from an original. 
>  But.. it'd also be a ton of (re)work.. 
> Brad
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Nick Allen 
> via cctalk
> Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2017 12:54 PM
> To: cctalk@classiccmp.org
> Subject: Re: TV Typewriter project nearing completion
> wow impressive work Brad!  Thanks for blogging about it, it's fun to watch 
> you progress.  Ever consider selling some of the PCB boards, and coming up 
> with a BOM list, so we can recreate some too?
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
> http://www.avg.com

I'll have to pull out the one I built in '75 as my first Altair non TTY
Bet it still works and has the 64 char mod.  The only issue was
>stability of the
>position adjustments.   One shots for >timing... still not a fan.


Cool!  Is it the Don Lancaster design or the TVT II by Ed Colle?  Would love to 
see some pictures if you have any.

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