Thought I would post an update here of my progress in recreating Don
Lancaster's original TVT prototype:


Visually I think it's pretty close.  I just ordered the transformer from
Signal Tranformer - the same 24-1A the original used, so I'm pretty keen to
get that in.  Unfortunately I did make a rookie mistake - building
everything piecemeal (as parts came in) rather than in the specific manner
and order suggested by the instructions.  I'm hoping I can get the
'mainframe' board test done with the RF modulator circuitry in place.
Really wouldn't want to take everything apart.


On the plus side, if I did - I recently found some vintage blank 1973 PCB
stock.. so I could etch new boards using the actual vintage material Don
would have been using.  Hrmmm.. tempting.. :)



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