hi something poiped up on a facebook synth group that may have some
information burried in it to ur interest
i havent dug into it yet but heres a pdf

and the website of the publiusher a 70 yr old guy that might have more
tresures burried to ur interest in his stuff or know of someone out there
still alive?

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 1:22 PM, Alan Frisbie via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> In the early 1980's, a company in Toronto, Hazelcom Industries,
> produced a music synthesizer based on an LSI-11/23 running
> RSX-11M v3.2.   The music part of it was written by David McLey,
> so the product was called the McLeyvier (pun intended).
> Several people in the industry have told me that this was the
> best analog music synthesizer ever made.   Sadly, it was
> introduced just as digital synthesizers were hitting their stride.
> Now, a small group of enthusiasts have banded together to restore
> the few remaining McLeyviers (only about eight were sold) to
> operating condition.
> If you have any knowledge about the McLeyvier, and are not
> already on our mailing list, PLEASE contact me.   We are
> particularly interested in the following subjects:
> 1. McLeyvier hardware or software documentation.
> 2. DTC 520-1 disk controller and its DTC-11 Q-Bus host adapter.
> 3. Peritek VRG-Q Q-Bus graphics controller.  Especially the
>    RSX or RT-11 device drivers, or other software.
> 4. The location or owners of McLeyviers.
> Our current project is to replace the ST-506 disks with
> the David Gesswein MFM disk emulators.   To do this, we
> need to determine the CRC algorithm used by DTC, which we
> cannot find any documentation for.
> Thank you,
> Alan Frisbie

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