There's a museum in otowa that might be some.of the stuff ur looking for

On Jun 14, 2017 1:02 PM, "Alan Frisbie via cctalk" <>

> Al Kossow <> wrote:
> > Alan Frisbie via cctalk wrote:
> > > Our current project is to replace the ST-506 disks with
> > > the David Gesswein MFM disk emulators.   To do this, we
> > > need to determine the CRC algorithm used by DTC, which we
> > > cannot find any documentation for.
> > did you ask david to try decoding the data for you? he's been
> > very good at doing so.
> Yes, I've discussed it with David, but we're waiting until
> we have the test rig set up before attacking it in depth.
> That should be in another week or two.
> > DTC documentation should be on bitsavers
> Yes, for which I am extremely grateful!   The DTC-11-1 host
> adapter manual is particularly valuable.   While there is a
> manual for the DTC-520A and the 500DB Series, there isn't one
> for the 520-1.   It's possible that the 520A is the same as
> the 520-1, but we're not sure yet.
> In any event, the CRC information is not in the manuals.   We'll
> probably start by just experimenting with common polynomials.
> Why would DTC engineers NOT use proven algorithms?   :-)
> Thanks,
> Alan Frisbie

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