On Jun 23, 2017, at 11:23 AM, Fred Cisin via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 

>> with a Packard Bell w/' Win 95 (Not hooked to the internet) with a 5 1/4
>> drive in it!
> Surely the most prized artifact in any museum's collection!
>> On Fri, 23 Jun 2017, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:
>> And then what do you do with them?  No network and most likely
>> no USB.  I suppose you could write them to 3.5" disks, which I am
>> pretty sure he doesn't have either.  :-)
> Let's hope that it's a 1.4M!  If it's 720K, then we could sneaker it to a 
> PS/2 to move it to 2.8M, to take to a NeXT, . . .
> But if it's 1.4M 3.5" then it can be sneaker-net'd to a late model Mac.
> It can be transferred by serial port to a Victor 9000/Sirius.
> Warner can read that, and copy it to 8" SSSD (THE standard).
> An Apple II with an SVA (Sorrento Valley Associates) disk unit can read that, 
> and copy it to an Amdek 3".
> The 3" can go to a Coco or Amstrad and send it by modem to an AOL account.
> FTP to a unix shell account.
> TRS-80 can login and print it out.
> The printout can be OCR'ed.
> The OCR'ed content can be run through text to speech to a CD.
> CD can be dubbed to a dictaphone.
> A secretary can type from the dictaphone content.
> Or, if available, the OCR'ed content can be run through a KGs-80 or Rochester 
> Dynatyper (keyboard actuator); the Escon unit, instead of sitting on top of 
> the keyboard was underneath a Selectric, so maybe it could be mounted to an 
> IBM operator console?
> Note that this procedure eliminates using punch cards, paper tape, hard 
> drives, flash drives, mag tape (and cartridges), stringy floppy, MO, core 
> planes, drums, and thousands of intermediate floppy formats (including hard 
> sector, 3.25").
> Some folk might come up with shortcuts that seem quicker,
> but unless/until they do the transfer, . . .

Silly me... And here I was thinking I could just use my dell dimension celeron 
machine running win98 complete with 5.25" floppy drive AND (drum roll) a 10/100 
NIC and ftp over to my ftp server. But your idea sounds more thorough. :)

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