with a Packard Bell w/' Win 95 (Not hooked to the internet) with a 5 1/4
drive in it!
Surely the most prized artifact in any museum's collection!
On Fri, 23 Jun 2017, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:
And then what do you do with them? No network and most likely
no USB. I suppose you could write them to 3.5" disks, which I am
pretty sure he doesn't have either. :-)
Let's hope that it's a 1.4M! If it's 720K, then we could sneaker it to a
PS/2 to move it to 2.8M, to take to a NeXT, . . .
But if it's 1.4M 3.5" then it can be sneaker-net'd to a late model Mac.
It can be transferred by serial port to a Victor 9000/Sirius.
Warner can read that, and copy it to 8" SSSD (THE standard).
An Apple II with an SVA (Sorrento Valley Associates) disk unit can
read that, and copy it to an Amdek 3".
The 3" can go to a Coco or Amstrad and send it by modem to an AOL account.
FTP to a unix shell account.
TRS-80 can login and print it out.
The printout can be OCR'ed.
The OCR'ed content can be run through text to speech to a CD.
CD can be dubbed to a dictaphone.
A secretary can type from the dictaphone content.
Or, if available, the OCR'ed content can be run through a KGs-80 or
Rochester Dynatyper (keyboard actuator); the Escon unit, instead of
sitting on top of the keyboard was underneath a Selectric, so maybe it
could be mounted to an IBM operator console?
Note that this procedure eliminates using punch cards, paper tape,
hard drives, flash drives, mag tape (and cartridges), stringy floppy, MO,
core planes, drums, and thousands of intermediate floppy formats
(including hard sector, 3.25").
Some folk might come up with shortcuts that seem quicker,
but unless/until they do the transfer, . . .