we may  some parts pieces  maybe  when  we stage  our  next cube...
who knows  might pop up and  work  by it self..
let me know what you are not  going to  used there.
thx  Ed#
_www.smecc.org_ (http://www.smecc.org)  
In a message dated 3/8/2017 2:07:11 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
cctalk@classiccmp.org writes:

Hi  Mark,

Works for me or I can post.  I am "snuci" on  http://www.nextcomputers.org
and have been a member for a little  while.  I have a couple of NeXTs
already including only one that I've  put on my site at
http://vintagecomputer.ca/next-dimension-cube-turbo   One of these will go
to a friend who has a small collection and is new to  NeXT so we'll have
another potential member soon :)  For the record,  that blog post is old.  I
have the Cube working with dual monitors and  have no issues with that one
at all.


On Wed,  Mar 8, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Tapley, Mark <mtap...@swri.edu>  wrote:

> On Mar 8, 2017, at 1:28 PM, Santo Nucifora  <santo.nucif...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi  Mark,
> >
> > I have reached out to Chris (I am local) and  will providing a new home
> for the lot.  I will be happy to take  hi-res pics of the board when I get
> them over the weekend.
>  >
> > Santo
> Santo,
>       that’s great! Wonderful to hear they are going to a good  home.
>         I will try to pass on the  photos to
> http://www.nextcomputers.org
>   if that’s OK with you, or you can do so directly.  That seems to be
> one of the biggest active repositories of NeXT  information.
>         If you want to get them  running, there is also a lot of useful
> information in the forum area  on the same site, including pretty detailed
> steps on how to implement  a SCSI2SD or other hard drives. Some of that 
> be helpful with the  cube as well.
>                  -  Mark

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