On Mar 8, 2017, at 1:28 PM, Santo Nucifora <santo.nucif...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I have reached out to Chris (I am local) and will providing a new home for 
> the lot.  I will be happy to take hi-res pics of the board when I get them 
> over the weekend. 
> Santo
        that’s great! Wonderful to hear they are going to a good home. 
        I will try to pass on the photos to 


        if that’s OK with you, or you can do so directly. That seems to be one 
of the biggest active repositories of NeXT information.
        If you want to get them running, there is also a lot of useful 
information in the forum area on the same site, including pretty detailed steps 
on how to implement a SCSI2SD or other hard drives. Some of that may be helpful 
with the cube as well.
                                                        - Mark

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