> <snip>
> Anyway, try it, and let us know what happens. How much memory does the
> system
> have on it now?
64K.  I'd like to get another M7891, mine is only 1/2 populated.

> If it doesn't work, I can do some experiments and see what's the least
> amount
> of memory one needs.
> There are a whole bunch of parameters which will reduce the size of the
> resident OS; if necessary, I can turn them all down to the minimum, and see
> what we get - although just reducing the number of disk buffer may do it.

> As for the applications, it does swap, so there's no requirement for more
> than
> one process to be resident at a time, so whatever the largest is - probably
> the C compiler - there only needs to be enough memory left over after the
> OS
> is loaded, for that one. It looks like the shell is about 10KB, for
> example.
> If it won't boot, don't trash the disk: if we send you another bootable
> disk,
> we can make it tiny (only Unix, and enough files to get it running:
> /etc/init,
> /bin/sh, etc), and if/once it books, you can mount the disk you just wrote
> and
> move the bootable Unix system image over, and then reboot on the current
> disk,
> to get to the rest of the stuff.
> Do you have two working RL drives on the machine?
I was going to say...yes I have two working RL drives.

>         Noel

The build just finished.  When I boot I get the ! prompt, but when I type
rlinux the system bombs and I can go no farther


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