I thought this question was answered recently but I can't find the answer. I have the RK disk version of UNIX6 for PDP 11/40 but I could not find an RL02 version. does this exist? Can one be made using simH to dump and set up for RL02 that can then be ported as a RL02 disk image to actual RL02 drive? I can get an image onto the drive, should the image exist. My PDP 11/40 is not compatible with Unix 7, but I would be happy with 5 or 7 if it'll run on a 64K system. Thanks Bill
- RL02 version of UNIX6? william degnan
- Re: RL02 version of UNIX6? william degnan
- Re: RL02 version of UNIX6? william degnan
- Re: RL02 version of UNIX6? Noel Chiappa
- Re: RL02 version of UNIX6? william degnan
- Re: RL02 version of UNIX6? Noel Chiappa
- Re: RL02 version of UNIX6? william degnan
- Re: RL02 version of UNIX6? william degnan
- Re: RL02 version of UNIX6? Noel Chiappa
- Re: RL02 version of UNIX6? Josh Dersch